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Roy Bingo

Corona Integra

Call for pricing: 1.800.826.8347

Corona Integra

Call for pricing: 1.800.826.8347

Product Description

Corona Integra II Dubbed Crown Jewel
Hands-free Console Top Of The Line!
Item No. 18PPLAYHF

Small wonder Video King is a world leader in Bingo consoles and electronic gaming systems.
Just do a quick Google search of “Bingo Supplies.”

Video King has consoles to fit all markets and budgets, from world-class casinos to senior centers, fraternal organizations, cruise ships, tribal enterprises and military bases across the globe.

As the Bingo stakes get larger, and the prizes higher, we are pleased to introduce the Corona Integra II,™ our new hands-free, Bingo console.

As the name implies, this deluxe unit, – offering players a ring-side seat to all the action – is Video King’s ultimate crown jewel.

“Corona” means crown in Spanish, and Integra, speaks to its high level of integrity, according to Ron Hood, Video King’s Bingo Hall Equipment Sales Manager.

This top-of-the-line, chrome console – with crystal-clear, glass-encased chamber – allows unhindered view of the balls in motion from every facet in the crowd.

Fully integrated with Video King’s PowerPlay™ software, the elegantly structured console is truly a sight to behold, said Dan Free, CTO and Vice President of Electronics.

Complete with automatic, “optical” ball recognition, the Corona Integra allows the balls to move in and out of the chamber without ever  being touched.

This hands-free approach appeals to larger bingo halls, offering larger prize payouts, as it offers enhanced security measures,” he said.

“Once the ball leaves the chamber, the camera recognizes the number on the ball, and the data is sent to the PowerPlay console and rest of the Video King system, including flashboards, tablets and/or other gaming devices.

“The PowerPlay console is also equipped with digitized ball call announcements, so the caller can either use those recordings or announce the ball calls themselves” Free said.

In addition to the hands-free cabinet – typically placed as a showpiece amid the gaming floor – the Corona Integra II system also includes a second, smaller PowerPlay console, where the caller is located. 

“It is from this PowerPlay console that the caller operates the system, opening sessions, opening games, verifying winners and remotely operating the hands-free blower to call balls.

“The PowerPlay console could be placed virtually anywhere in the hall, as it does not have to reside beside the hands-free blower,” he added.

So, if you’re ready to polish up your presentation, and give your players the royal treatment, then feast your eyes on gem of a machine.

For further information, contact our Sales & Marketing Department at (800) 635-9912, (402) 951-2979 or e-mail us at [email protected].

Click Here To View Fact Sheet

Corona Integra II Product Specs:

Perfect viewing of balls in motion.
Laminated sliding glass for sound-proofing.
Easy-access, glass-enclosed interior ball mixer.
Recycling of inside air.
Double safety turbine.
Rubber-molded extractor hood for soundproofing and ball cushioning.
Ball image with a variety of background colors.
Optional second safety chamber.
Micromotor-operated emptying door.
Elegant halogen lighting.
Standard finish matching the PowerPlay console.
Power consumption 500 W.

Please Note:
Hands-free System Contains 2 Components

1. Hands-free Unit

Length: 44 inches
Width: 44 inches
Height: 71 inches
Shipping Weight: 700 pounds

2. Hands-free Table
Length: 46 inches
Width: 32 inches
Height: 31.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 300 pounds

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